What is McNaughton?

For different reasons some students are, at times, challenged by making positive connection to their school and achieving success in a regular high school environment. Often times, these students find themselves isolated and unable to have a positive and successful school experience. McNaughton Centre is designed to accept students "where they are at", and work with them to make positive decisions that allow them to regain a focus of control over their education.

McNaughton Centre is not a school of choice. We cap our enrollment and have a waitlist of students who have been referred by their current high school for admission into McNaughton Centre. For any student to attend McNaughton Centre they must be referred by their current school. 

What We Do Here

Students arrive each morning and are welcoming by the inviting aroma of breakfast items. Following breakfast, students meet in small groups to engage in RAP conversation. RAP is followed by three 45 minute classes. Classes vary from the traditional academic courses - Math, English, Science and Social Studies, to elective courses such as Physical Education, First Nations Art and Food class. Our Foods class prepares lunch and the staff and students spend time sitting together to eat each day. After lunch we have another three 45 minutes classes.